Deutsche Bracke GERMAN HOUND

Deutsche Bracke GERMAN HOUND

FCI-Standard N° 299 / 15.09.1997 / GB

TRANSLATION : C. Seidler, revised by Dr. Paschoud.

ORIGIN : Germany.



CLASSIFICATION FCI : Group 6 Scenthounds and related breeds.
Section 1.3 Small sized hounds.
With working trial.

SHORT HISTORICAL SURVEY : From the formerly numerically strong varieties of the Bracken, the only one surviving in Germany is the Westphalian Bracke. Its most significant local variety was the tricolour Sauerländer Holzbracke. Through melting this type with local Steinbracken, one certain type has evolved, which since 1900 has been designated as the Deutsche Bracke (German Bracke / Hound).

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Length of head in dogs of medium size approximately 21 cm, from muzzle to beween eyes about 9 cm.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : That of a light, high stationed, elegant, yet strongly made hunting dog with a noble, comparatively fine head, good leathers and a well carried but in respect of the noble general appearance, remarkably thick tail. Slightly tucked up abdomen.

HEAD : Fine, clean, elongated. Seen from the front, the head appears narrow and long, the skull only little broader than the not sharply protruding cheeks which merge very gradually with the muzzle.

Skull : Slightly domed, occiput protrudes but only slightly.
Stop : Minimal.

Nose : Has a light, almost flesh coloured strip in its middle, while
the wings of the nose have more or less dark pigment.
Bridge of nose : Very slightly convex.
Lips : Moderately pendant, corner of mouth small.
Teeth / Bite : Extremely strong and even. Incisors meet either on top of each other or the inside of the upper incisors touches the outside of the lower incisors. Canines particularly strongly developed.
Eyes : Dark, clear with friendly expression.
Leathers : Long, about 14 cm and broad, about 9 cm, close fitting and
rounded at ends.

NECK : Moderate length and rather strong in relation to the head.

Back : Slightly arched.
Croup : Falling away slightly.
Chest : Deep, reaching to below elbows. Flatly rounded with long

TAIL : Long, not noticeably strong at the root. As a protection
against knocking against tree trunks and branches, it has bushy long
hair and is therefore comparatively thick, yet tapering to a point and
somewhat brush-like. Tail is carried hanging down or upwards in a
gentle curve.


FOREQUARTERS : High, very well made, lean, fine boned and sinewy.
Shoulder :Clean.
Elbows : Close fitting.

HINDQUARTERS : Thighs broad and full in profile, lower thigh long and not very broad, well angulated.

FEET : Longer than cat-feet, coarse, very tight toes.


HAIR : Long for a short haired dog. Very dense, hard, almost bristly.
Well coated and dense on belly. Generally a little longer on
underside of tail forming a moderate brush. Buttocks (thighs) well

COLOUR : Red to yellow with black saddle or blanket and the white "Bracken" markings : blaze running through, white muzzle with neck ring (closed neck ring should be aimed for), white chest, legs and tip of tail.

SIZE : Height at withers : 40 to 53 cm.
Moderate departure from these measurements permitted.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Long cast, low body shape.
Teckel-like (Dachshund type) head.
Pointed, folded or short leathers.
Sickle or ring tail.
Faulty legs.
Splayed, incorrect feet.
Chocolate colour, particolour.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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